Welcome to El Cortez Heights! We are a small, historic neighborhood in midtown Tucson, Arizona.
This is the homepage of the Neighborhood Association.
Our primary communication is by email!
We also have facebook and instagram:
January MeetingThe annual meeting was held Jan 9, see the minutes . Welcome to new president Jacob Prietto!
Quarterly MeetingsRegular Association meetings will be held quarterly, usually on the second Thursday of the month.Police ContactsWe have two Community Resource Officers (CRO) assigned to our neighborhood:Kirsten Hinthorn Kirstin.Hinthorn@tucsonaz.gov 520-400-1404 Karla Rubiocorral Karla.rubiocorral@tucsonaz.gov 520-330-9877 City non-emergency number: 311 Police non-emergency number: 520-791-5059 |